The Lake House Denmark




106 Turner Road, Denmark
Western Australia 6333

At the Winery


Turning a holiday destination into a home, Gary Capelli and Leanne Rogers established The Lake House Denmark in Western Australia's Great Southern in 2006. Moving from Perth, they purchased their vineyard with no prior winemaking experience.

The property is located down a quiet country road just outside of Denmark. Surrounded by majestic karri trees and set in a tranquil valley overlooking a trout filled lake, the winery's estate vineyard is planted in rich loam soil. Producing Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Riesling and Sauvignon Blanc among other varieties, they embrace biodynamic grape growing. They also source fruit from vineyards in Denmark, Mount Barker and Frankland River.

The Lake House Denmark's Premium Reserve range includes Shiraz, Chardonnay and Riesling. The Postcard Series – sometimes known as the Premium Block Collection –contains their more affordable lifestyle wines.


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